I could really use more support here from anyone as to my foot racing endeavor.
It has been a very difficult year for me. Things have not gone smoothly, but I did not expect they would, hense my motto from the start to 'endeavor to persevere'.
My insides had hardened due to age, and nothing can undo or even prevent that. It will happen to you.
I had let my muscles grow too weak for the task and rejuvenation has been a bitch.
For a good result, the muscles must not just be strong, but be in balance. That "balance part is what fucks up the deal as running is thousands of repetivative motion. Over time any imbalance is revealed in ugly ways. That is why I endeavored to take it slow and train intelligently and patiencly.
Still, I have ruptured a few muscles, and stress even cracked a foot bone. Now I have a hernia.
I got eat up in posion ivy last month. I tried to fight it on my own, and it just kept getting worse. In my last race I had some soreness in my healing hamstring preventing easy leg extentsion (and the hernia), but my main problem was not mechanicl but interior. The posion ivy had my ankles and one arm and hand swollen like a pig, but I dismissed that as to running. Now I am not so sure. I broke down last week and went to my Doc as this stuff got worse. Skin blisters errupting had sap running down my body at the race and it was embarrasing as it looks like I have bad disease. It is also discomfort at an extreme.
To make a long story even longer (so yall have something to read), Gave up, saw the Doc and got a shot and some pills. A week later it is a lot better. It is still a mess as so much skin is missing, but the swelling is down. That is not all good as I kinda enjoyed having one arm that looked like it belonged on the Hulk.
The thing is that the last few days, my running has improved, even my mental aspect as to all which is very important.
Could it be posion inside me affected my race? Sounds odd, but seems real. I think I can get into the 21's but first have to get into the 22's on a regular basis.
...But hold the 'happy train'. The Doc made me an appointment with a surgeon in Greenville for the hernia. He said there are closer guys, but in my position he would go there, so me too.
I get in at the end of July, so if it happens, will hit the knife maybe in August. Then I am down for a month and much of my hard work is lost. That was not the plan. The plan was to "bloom" in the Fall with a sun 22 at Myrtle Beach and then a few days R&R at Toad's fishing resort.
The hernia is discomfort,, but not pain. There is pain in my upper hip that is kinda bad. After a run or a night's sleep can hardly move. That could be the hernia as i read that is a symptom. It could also be that after posting the above things about a tiff with the Bride, we made up in a fun way, and I fell out of the bed and landed on that hip. The cause is not important as it will heal, and I am able to train.
Friday 5 miles - 10:18 overall pace.
Saturday 3 miles - 9:23 overall pace.
Today 5 miles - 5 miles 10:11 pace.
That is laughable, but not if you are a banged up septuagenarian. It is very encouraging!
As I see it, I have a few weeks to hit a race with a decent course and try again for "in the 22's" before the knife to my guts. It is a high goal, but WTF? My hip mainly is a just problem like now when on my ass with cold beer, not when running. The hernia is what it is, and I just have to endeavor there.
Overall my life is OK, and my immediate future looks promising.
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