I am not a young man.
My health has held up well, but I am over weight at 210 pounds. Too much beer and cookies while I sat on my ass the last ten years has taken a toll.
I like to pretend I am an expert at all things, but what I am best at is training me as a foot racer. Can I be born again as a foot racer? I truly believe I can.
I need a far off goal as this endeavor will take time.
My goal will be to run a foot race in May 2016 and not suck.
Time or distance is not important, but will be interesting.
Important is that I train myself to show up and give good effort. I can get through a race today, but not in a way where one does his best. "Best" comes not from desire on race day, but from desire on training days. Races are fun. Every day training gets old quick.
My goal is to achieve an "honest effort".
Training is very hard as each day you have to fight off mental and physical issues. Can I do it? Will I be able to deal with my high arches, bad knees, and lazy nature?
Can I do it? My personal history indicates -->"YES".
"This aint my first rodeo."
It is OK to laugh at me, and where I am starting from. I also find it comic.
With help from my coach George Sheehan (R.I.P.), I will endeavor to persevere.