As this page is all about me, expect this entry to be about -> me.
I have not been lured to a footrace for over a year. I have gained many pounds of "happy fat", and am now happily around 400lbs.
My Bride was once a foot racer, but bad knees took her out 30 years back. Before then she was in hundreds of races including a couple 26.2 mile Marathons. After 40 she could still do sub 7 pace for 5K and 10K.
A few months back she started walking and trimming down.
That was not good as I have been going in the opposite direction, and this is all about me.
She decided "we" were doing a 5K today. Keep in mind she is 71 with two plastic knees, and I am the size of a large Hippo. We are a couple who should be on the porch in rocking chairs (please). Well at least I am on the porch now watching the rain "not" fall on me. She is already off to Anderson to check on her Pop.
The race was at Oconee State Park. The course was small rabbit trails filled with roots and fallen trees to climb over.
Elevation gain was 415 foot (that is a lot in a 5K). On top of that, the gains were steep, and the downs were slippery red mud. Going up was hard, going down was slow and dangerous. To add to the misery (fun), rain was falling.
Here is K before the race:
She might be the best looking over 70 (or over 30) girl ever.
Here is the Ranger, always like to put in a good word for folks who wear a badge or direct a race. This guy does both:
Here is the adventurous group before the race, mostly made of of ex-Navy Seals, Olympians, and few fools.
Photos along the way:
--At he start everyone charges ahead to take the day. K definitely has the best hair of people there and not there. After 30 years, she hit the trail (pun) again.
The day wore on:
Rain was picking up and and our hair was looking like less. After 40 K rode a bicycle 160miles to the Beach, so wet hair is not going to be a problem for her. By then my fat belly was reminding me why this was a bad idea. This was about half way, and I was ready to call it a day. Unfortunately, the only way to get back to the Jeep was to forge ahead.
I was loosing ground as K picked up the pace. In the last half mile we hit pavement (uphill), and as the photo shows, K was pulling away.
I rounded a bend and saw her running back towards me. In olden days I would finish a race, then hit the course to bring her in. Today she was doing that for me?
Nope, we were off course and lost. The last tenth was up a different trail.
She was pissed. No matter as it was near the end and these great Garmin watches give one a true record. Still, as the cost was near $30, any racer getting lost is inexcusable.
I have gotten lost many times in races. It is never the fault of the racer, always the race director.
Here she is at the finish with a guy who lives in Clemson and looks like a racer. Her hair is a mess, but her spirits are high. After 30 years, she has made it back. On top of that, finished ahead of many half her age who have real knees.
Here she is back at the Jeep all happy:
Back to me as this is my blog. I have no idea how many races I have done, lets say a thousand. This is the first time I have been beaten by a woman over 70. Make no mistake, my ass got kicked today. As a proud member of RoadKill, will ~~
All race photos are here:
All who raced there today reading this are welcome to join RoadKill as friends make it all more fun.
Keep in mind I was moving (and panting), and rain was on the lens. These are cut down in quality, not developed, and not near what they are after that. email me if you want a quality copy, and of course no charge.