Before I whine about my race today, need to post this.
For a welcome change I had a photographer with me today. Unfortunately, also had a new camera and did not have it set up right. Many of the great photos my Bride took were too dark. I can develop most with Photoshop, but just don't have the time or interest right now as Clemson kicks off soon.
I have done a quick batch process on them. If you see any you like, I will develop them from the original large megapixel files. Email me, I am happy to do it. Nothing for sale here, just me having fun on my porch. I will have the camera set right next time as that is cheaper than divorce.
You can see the photos here:
If you want to email or post a comment here -- thanks.
I am just a hermit sitting on the porch waiting on my Fall Warblers to come by.
I decided on a whim to go to this race just 33 miles from my porch in Mt Airy, Ga.
Before the Sun rose my Bride took my photo. I don't feel as old as I look.
I ran my slowest race of the year, but I still had fun. The people were friendly, the race was done well.
After the race a guy interviewed me for quality control and asked what changes were needed. I told him to flatten the hills. My watch showed elevation gain to be 420ft . As I understand it, times were fast last year as the race was downhill then.
I believe the energetic volunteers outnumbered the racers.
I did not have a bad race, this was just all I could do today. It was a small race, but I was fortunate to have a few people running near my pace. I hate being in a race when I get stranded and have to work alone.
Here are a few of the folks who kept me going:
Thanks for your help.
Here I am at the start (this blog is about me).
My problem is not that I spot these folks 50 years, it is the 50 pound beer belly that is killing me.
I did finish. Here we are with just yards to go (uphill of course):
Bringing up the rear of the race was the VFW.
If that aint cool I'll kiss your a**. Viet Nam era heros still doing the job!!
They called me up 15 minutes before the gun fired and took my number. They gave it to this lady:
She represented me well.
I thought my old age had banned me. I said I did not need a number, but was told I could not run without one. Before the gun they found me one.
I was 9 of 54 finishers. Finishing was hard work today. There were a few other geezers there today:
..."Grow old, show up, and they will give you something most of the time" ...
I saw a few old friends
... and made a couple more.
Race results are here:
Today will go down as a very good one "if" CLEMSON wins.
Mr Peay, it was a pleasure to meet you Saturday at the Freedom Run. Your pictures are great, thank you so much for sharing them!
Posted by: Kim Reed | 11/08/2017 at 09:06 PM