My clock went off at 4 A.M. waking up me and my cat. I wanted to go back to sleep, but Percy made me get up.
This race was in Suwanee, Georgia at Lambert High School. They have an impressive place there. Even more impressive was the number of folks under 20 who showed up to race. I was 64th of 193 which sounds kinda bad until you see that 42 ahead of me were teens, plus there were many more kids running strong behind me. That is incredibly good and unusual. The parents there should be commended.
But, this post is about me, they can write about them (and post it here).
My goal today, as I try to someday get under 23 again, was "not to walk". I did not, but to be honest, there were times when I could have walked faster than I was running.
This was the typical North Georgia course, and the elevation gain according to my Garmin watch was 140 feet. The last part is downhill and then on the track, so I kinda like the course. My watch measured the course as long (3.16) with me hitting 5K at 24:48. My watch GPS is very accurate.
My splits were 7:57, 8:11, and 7:58, so I did not die off like last race.
I chose this race because 'RoadKill Mike Kelly' was racing there and invited me. He got first in his 60+ age group.
As all can see, I am still to fat to wear my old race singlets. I have dropped a few pounds in the last 5 weeks, and will keep that trend going. I am positive no one as heavy as my fat ass finished ahead of me.
There was just one other racer in my "geezer" group - Wade Kirstein.
We did OK. I see that like me, he is a fisherman. I believe he is also a famous poet.
I met some new friends, Ashton and Chad Hague. Meeting guys like this make this day a special one.
All photos are here:
If you see one you like, I have the large originals in RAW, and can clean it up and email to you -> no charge. My main job is to sit on the porch, watch my Birds and drink beer. I have time to talk, so post a comment or email me.
So was it worth getting up at 4am? The cat says "NO". I live in a part of the USA (Blue Ridge Foothills) where most every view is scenic and a tourist attraction. Still, somedays you have to get up early to see things that will inspire you, and make you understand why the USA, and especially this part of it, is special. It is the people.
Results are here:
On that note, must again say that AAA RACE SERVICES is as good as it gets.
I was able to catch "Mrs. AAA" racing to her next position.
She and "Mr. AAA" make sure all have a perfect experience.