My JEEP was ready.
I kinda raced today, first time I have finished a race since May.
My new friend Mike said we should go, and he was 100% right as to the fun part.
Mike is an old school foot racer who goes back even before my days. He lives across the river in Georgia. Together we are going to improve each other.
I ordered some expen$ive LED headlights for the Jeep and "WOW!! Leaving out before dark, the road was as bright as day. At 71, my vision is Ok, don't wear glasses, but these headlights are amazing. Racers (and me) need to leave home in the dark, and these are great.
Everybody does not need a JEEP or a Bride. I need neither and have both, consider them luxury items.
My time today was poor (remember this blog is about me), but on base with my current state. My body is now stronger, but my mind is weak. I walked a few times in the last mile.
I did OK. In my last two races, I did not not run hard, but a lot has happened since then.
Today I did run hard even if my time does not reflect that.
I am now healthy with no major problems. I started an 8 week program to get my miles up and loose 10 pounds. I am four weeks in. I have been running very slow and often on the treadmill.
I am on target. If I can stay motivated, results will eventually appear. I know how to train me.
To keep my "BABE STREAK" alive, got this LOVELY girl to pose with me:
The course today was about average. Here in the foothills, that means "not flat", but not up a cliff.
My Garmin said elevation gain of 104 foot. The temp was 75 and of course 100% humidity, but the fog did lift before the race. We all like cool, but don't think the heat and humidity slowed me at all. I am a "Son of the South".
My splits were 8, 8, and 9, so anyone can see my problem.
They did a good job with the race. In my bag was not just a t-shirt for the race, but also one from last year's race. I surely don't need more t-shirts, but ???
Age group awards were at 5 yr intervals, but only one in each. I think that is fair if posted, but that was not clear, so some who raced well were not recognized. It was no big deal to me as my age group was me and "FAST FREDDY" who stopped off at the local pub.
My main foot race competitor, the lovely Judy Walls was there. She again beat me with ease.
My time was: 25:38.
I was 19th of 91.
Results are here:
Photos are here:
These days I rate races on "will I go back next year". I will, especially if Mike will.