Last week during the 'Hartwell Dam Race' I promised myself I would never do this again. That and knowing a cold beer was in the Jeep kept me going.
... but, I was going to jog this Saturday anyway, and there was a small race 15 minutes away at Shiloh Baptist Church. I decided to do my run there, but not to kill myself - just try to run a 9 minute pace which is difficult for me to do alone. I actually did 8:16, so good deal !!!
Rain was threatening, but me and the Jeep can handle that.
The course was tough with my watch showing 290ft elevation gain. That is a lot in 3 miles. No matter as this week I was starting slow and hoping to finish strong, the reverse of last week. I did that, and while my time was slow, had a good race and left ready for the next one. Instead of racing the clock, tried to keep up with other racers. I got passed on the uphills but recovered and got them back on the down. For the last .11 (down hill) did a 5:43 pace after a very slow uphill last mile.
Next week I'll keep the same plan and try to bring my time down a minute.
I would be remiss if I did not post as to AAA Race Services.
I have been to a few races they have done, and all have been 100%. That is very difficult, and my hat is off to them.
I knew some of the Georgia people ( I live in SC and my place is the border) today and of course they remembered my loud mouth. I live as a hermit and seldom get a chance to talk except to my 3 cats.
At my age, all are relieved when I am able to finish and the ambulance is not required to retrieve me. If I am a pest, people pretend not to notice.
Many are new to races and naturally are a little uptight. I am old with no ego, and have been to maybe a thousand, so ..... I tend to talk too much.
I re-met a Clemson grad who won his age group, and we agreed to race again next week in Clarksville which should be a bigger race. I do like Clemson people.
My favorite racer of today won the over 10 age group:
How cool is that?
While Melinda heals, I can still hang with her in a race, but that may change soon!
Mike won his age group. As long as I can finish before these guys pack up and leave, I am not holding up the parade.
This guy won, but I did spot him 60 pounds and 50 years. He ran great on a tough course.
RoadKill Photos are here:
Results are here: (posted later when they show)
..extremely early results: