The Jeep and I traveled about 45 minutes to Clarksvile, Georgia today.
Last week the course was hard as I don't do hills.
My plan for this week was to open it up a little. This course made last week look easy, but it was good fun. I did not get too involved. I walked early and often and suffered little. The last 5 miles were up hill which is unusual on a 3.13 mile course. My AHR was 158, my time was 26:09.
My watch did a poor job as it showed no elevation gain in the last mile. That is funny!
Clarksvile is a beautiful small town. It would be a perfect place for Hollywood to make a movie. If I did not already live in a place as good, might move there.
Once again the 'Babes' lined up to have their photo made with me:
My Bride is not jealous. Yep, I have a beautiful Bride, how strange is that?
Here she is with just yards to go after crushing the 'Marine Corps Marathon'.
I met Sheri and Dan today. Us septuagenarians are still getting the job done.
"People" think "people" our age are ?? We are the same but with more experience.
Here is another -> this is a serious guy to meet on a race course:
Along the route today I raced in the area of this guy:
I would walk the hills as I did not want to suffer today. Then I would catch back up.
With the finish line in sight, many of my older friends were closing fast intending to dust me - again!
I pulled even with Marvin who was jogging in and asked him to take me home. He picked the pace up for me, and I maintained my place with a free ride in.
This photo of Randall and Kevin reflect how much fun today was.
Mike told me he actually read my last post. He goes way back as foot racer, did Maggie 20 times. I only got there maybe 10 times with a best of 27:50 at 45years. The young don't race like Perry and I did "back when".
Race Results are here:
Photos are here:
I know my photos are not the best, but they are free. Post a comment here if you approve or if you don't.
It would be fun to see if even one person reads this page. I need motivation - and friends as I am a hermit.
Good job old man --
Posted by: Rorschach | 05/20/2017 at 03:58 PM
Hey Bill, Thanks for posting all the great photos. I really appreciate you doing that. See you at the next rave. Randall
Posted by: Randall Bales | 05/21/2017 at 08:08 AM
Thanks for taking time to comment.
I'll be back to Georgia one day.
Posted by: Bill | 05/22/2017 at 10:31 AM