At 69 I decided to run a footrace at 70. I was 210 pounds of happy beer fat, had not exercised in ten years.
I kept a blog for the year so I would be embarrased if I quit.
I made it. If I can, anyone can.
11/23/17 -- 24:08 - Electric City
10/21/17 -- 26:05 - Lake Russell
10/21/17 -- 25:39 - Hyco Memorial
09/09/17 -- 24:18 - Chattahoochee
09/04/17 -- 25:50 - SENECA 3.21
08/12/17 -- 25:18 - Longhorn 5K
07/29/17 -- 25:38 - Doodle Trail
05/20/17 -- 26:09 - MOUNTAIN LAUREL
05/13/17 -- 25:42 - RUN FOR THE CHILDREN
05/06/17 -- 24:44 - Hartwell Dam
03/18/17 -- 24:29 - Race the Rainbow
02/25/17 -- 24:14 - Ram's Run
02/04/17 -- 24:50 - Run Your Ice Off
12/10/16 -- 24:35 - Dream Center
12/03/16 -- 24:09 - Reindeer
11/19/16 -- 25:41 - Townville
07/09/16 -- 24:21 - Peach
07/04/16 -- 23:56 - Fire Cracker
06/18/16 -- 23:54 - Cat's Cradle
06/04/16 -- 23:46 - Dave's Run
05/07/16 -- 29:22 - Hartwell
04/16.16 -- 22:51 - Raider Race
03/19/16 -- 24:09 - Be Prepared
At 69 I decided to run a footrace at 70. I was 210 pounds of happy beer fat, had not exercised in ten years.
I kept a blog for the year so I would be embarrased if I quit.
I made it. If I can, anyone can.
Posted at 01:32 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
As this page is all about me, expect this entry to be about -> me.
I have not been lured to a footrace for over a year. I have gained many pounds of "happy fat", and am now happily around 400lbs.
My Bride was once a foot racer, but bad knees took her out 30 years back. Before then she was in hundreds of races including a couple 26.2 mile Marathons. After 40 she could still do sub 7 pace for 5K and 10K.
A few months back she started walking and trimming down.
That was not good as I have been going in the opposite direction, and this is all about me.
She decided "we" were doing a 5K today. Keep in mind she is 71 with two plastic knees, and I am the size of a large Hippo. We are a couple who should be on the porch in rocking chairs (please). Well at least I am on the porch now watching the rain "not" fall on me. She is already off to Anderson to check on her Pop.
The race was at Oconee State Park. The course was small rabbit trails filled with roots and fallen trees to climb over.
Elevation gain was 415 foot (that is a lot in a 5K). On top of that, the gains were steep, and the downs were slippery red mud. Going up was hard, going down was slow and dangerous. To add to the misery (fun), rain was falling.
Here is K before the race:
She might be the best looking over 70 (or over 30) girl ever.
Here is the Ranger, always like to put in a good word for folks who wear a badge or direct a race. This guy does both:
Here is the adventurous group before the race, mostly made of of ex-Navy Seals, Olympians, and few fools.
Photos along the way:
--At he start everyone charges ahead to take the day. K definitely has the best hair of people there and not there. After 30 years, she hit the trail (pun) again.
The day wore on:
Rain was picking up and and our hair was looking like less. After 40 K rode a bicycle 160miles to the Beach, so wet hair is not going to be a problem for her. By then my fat belly was reminding me why this was a bad idea. This was about half way, and I was ready to call it a day. Unfortunately, the only way to get back to the Jeep was to forge ahead.
I was loosing ground as K picked up the pace. In the last half mile we hit pavement (uphill), and as the photo shows, K was pulling away.
I rounded a bend and saw her running back towards me. In olden days I would finish a race, then hit the course to bring her in. Today she was doing that for me?
Nope, we were off course and lost. The last tenth was up a different trail.
She was pissed. No matter as it was near the end and these great Garmin watches give one a true record. Still, as the cost was near $30, any racer getting lost is inexcusable.
I have gotten lost many times in races. It is never the fault of the racer, always the race director.
Here she is at the finish with a guy who lives in Clemson and looks like a racer. Her hair is a mess, but her spirits are high. After 30 years, she has made it back. On top of that, finished ahead of many half her age who have real knees.
Here she is back at the Jeep all happy:
Back to me as this is my blog. I have no idea how many races I have done, lets say a thousand. This is the first time I have been beaten by a woman over 70. Make no mistake, my ass got kicked today. As a proud member of RoadKill, will ~~
All race photos are here:
All who raced there today reading this are welcome to join RoadKill as friends make it all more fun.
Keep in mind I was moving (and panting), and rain was on the lens. These are cut down in quality, not developed, and not near what they are after that. email me if you want a quality copy, and of course no charge.
Posted at 05:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Contrary to rumors, I have not yet died or competed in my last race.
Here is a post to keep this blog alive:
I was a town kid and very familiar with every nook, every road, every street in Chester, SC as that is what kids do.
I left Chester at age 18.
When I was past 40 Chester held a foot race that started and finished at the Powell Theater which I grew up in. For my age, was a decent foot racer and known to most of my peers in the Carolinas and Georgia.
This rare Chester race was special as my Pop came to support me. My Pop was a special guy, always had my back.
The field was loaded with great runners my age like Brewer and Jaggers, but I was inspired to show Pop I was not a total waste as a ?
I went out hard. The 6.2 mile race went out toward Foote Street School then doubled back towards the old Chester Swimming pool. It was very hilly which was a plus to me as I was strong not fast. As a kid, covered that area a million times on foot and my bike.
I was running alone after 3 miles. I was well behind the younger guys but ahead of the stars there my age. I was looking at low 36minutes for the race and not tired. I had kick left if peers over took me. I missed a turn and got lost. I knew my way back to the Powell Theater, but placed last.
I look on that as my biggest disappointment as a foot racer. I had a chance in Chester that day to be Pop's hero. He was always mine. No big deal for Pop as he always saw me as a winner. I missed a chance to prove him right. Who gets lost in their own hometown?
Posted at 02:32 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Re-started a tradition today?
Back when I was a real footracer always ran the Charlotte T-day 8K.
Afterwards on the way home played my first of the season (and favorite) Christmas album too loudly. After an 18 year lay off to drink beer, did it again today. Maybe I will be up for it again next year?
Today I ran in Anderson, SC which is the city closest to me. The weather was November cold just over 40 degrees - clear with Sunshine - perfect!
My Bride went along and did an incredible job with the camera.
You can see her work here:
Her photos showed me what I already know. All manner of people (size/age) finish well ahead of me. I spot them 40 years and 50 pounds, and they kick my ass. Bringing up the rear must be done by someone and I volunteer.
The RoadKill singlets are in and look excellent. RoadKill is our online group, all are welcome to join in no matter where in the World you live.
They are as high teck as could be discovered. Here is a highly paid model, not a real racer with one on:
Unlike my last few races, this course was not too bad, elevation gain around 100' We lost elevation slowly for 2 miles. I began to panic at one point knowing we would have to go up.
I have no endurance, so uphill after I am tired is impossible. In training my weekly goal is 15 miles a week. I know what it takes as to training to race, so am kinda amazed that my fat ass and low mileage can even finish a race.
I ran OK. I finished 91 of 783.
Now that we get to choose gender as to how we "feel", I registered as a 71 year old female. Hey, I don't make the rules. The SC state record is 24:33, set 16 years back by the incredible Marge Hoffman. Now due to politics, she is history.
Here I am 200 yards out, near death, and headed home with my friend Donna.
In real life, today my friend Donna Presley ran 24:14, well under the state records of SC and Georgia. It will not count as a record as she is a Georgia girl, but WOW?!? Age graded that is 16:40.
You can't do that.
My friend Judy Walls beat me again. The gap grows larger. I am proud to know her.
It is kinda cool that girls like these will take time to talk to me.
As to record setters, here I am with a few who have set state records:
Donna Presley, Judy Walls, and Dian Ford -> I may hang this photo on my wall after they autograph it. The photo was taken by my Bride who also has won hundreds of awards. These girls are STARS.
My spilts were: 7:40, 7:30, and 8:21.
Average heart rate was 134, 159, and 181. I don't go uphill well as I have no endurance due to low mileage. My mental effort was good according to my heart beat which was telling me I was at "Death's Door".
Results are here:
Here is me and excellent racer Michael Kasha.
Here are Tony and Donna and ---me.
Yea, I do tend to pester people.
Tony and I are similar. Our times when we were real footracers (decades ago) were nearly identical. We could still get into the 16's in our late 40's.
Here I am with new RoadKill member 'CoCo':
The 'Tradition' has risen from history, hope I can make it back again when I am 72.
Posted at 01:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Before I whine about my race today, need to post this.
For a welcome change I had a photographer with me today. Unfortunately, also had a new camera and did not have it set up right. Many of the great photos my Bride took were too dark. I can develop most with Photoshop, but just don't have the time or interest right now as Clemson kicks off soon.
I have done a quick batch process on them. If you see any you like, I will develop them from the original large megapixel files. Email me, I am happy to do it. Nothing for sale here, just me having fun on my porch. I will have the camera set right next time as that is cheaper than divorce.
You can see the photos here:
If you want to email or post a comment here -- thanks.
I am just a hermit sitting on the porch waiting on my Fall Warblers to come by.
I decided on a whim to go to this race just 33 miles from my porch in Mt Airy, Ga.
Before the Sun rose my Bride took my photo. I don't feel as old as I look.
I ran my slowest race of the year, but I still had fun. The people were friendly, the race was done well.
After the race a guy interviewed me for quality control and asked what changes were needed. I told him to flatten the hills. My watch showed elevation gain to be 420ft . As I understand it, times were fast last year as the race was downhill then.
I believe the energetic volunteers outnumbered the racers.
I did not have a bad race, this was just all I could do today. It was a small race, but I was fortunate to have a few people running near my pace. I hate being in a race when I get stranded and have to work alone.
Here are a few of the folks who kept me going:
Thanks for your help.
Here I am at the start (this blog is about me).
My problem is not that I spot these folks 50 years, it is the 50 pound beer belly that is killing me.
I did finish. Here we are with just yards to go (uphill of course):
Bringing up the rear of the race was the VFW.
If that aint cool I'll kiss your a**. Viet Nam era heros still doing the job!!
They called me up 15 minutes before the gun fired and took my number. They gave it to this lady:
She represented me well.
I thought my old age had banned me. I said I did not need a number, but was told I could not run without one. Before the gun they found me one.
I was 9 of 54 finishers. Finishing was hard work today. There were a few other geezers there today:
..."Grow old, show up, and they will give you something most of the time" ...
I saw a few old friends
... and made a couple more.
Race results are here:
Today will go down as a very good one "if" CLEMSON wins.
Posted at 04:15 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
I have been down for weeks with a bad hamstring, not running much. In my last race believed I was on the trail to better days, and I still believe that. Today I ran poorly. I even stopped in the first mile to quit, but my friend Michael Kasha encouraged me not to do that. I jogged on, hamstring hurt like hell.
I wanted to do this race because it supports Police Dogs. I "kinda" like Police, and I love dogs. I was a cop in Charlotte for about 30 years and know the value a dog brings. Police Dogs are excellent! All dogs are excellent!
I rode over in my Jeep:
Ha ha that was the Sheriff's Jeep. Here is mine:
Here are guys getting ready to go on patrol:
It was a fun day. My old camera broke and I am not yet used to the one I got this week. It seems to be a good one.
Here are some footracers I had to face today (they had more legs - not fair);
I was 29th of 176 excellent foot racers in 25:39.
The course was not flat but not bad (elevation gain 136). Next year I will do this race under 24 (thought I could today ). I just lack experience. My youth is showing.
My septuagenarian (geezer) peers ran well:
Kasha is running a Marathon next week. He is incredible!
Actually, Kasha and I beat all over 50 today. Us old guys are not yet holding up the parade.
PHOTOS cut to 1000 are here:
If you need an original cleaned up and in big megapixle size, email me - [email protected] Nothing for sale here, just another runner out on the porch with beer.
Results are here:
'Racing Toes' did a great job, and that is not easy.
Posted at 03:49 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Chattahoochee Mountain Fair 5K
First let me say a word about the beautiful lady who made quilts of incredible quality to raise money for animals with no home. I already liked her more than most people I know, but now she has a place in my heart. I will never die, but if I do, will probably leave what little I have to support critters. Unlike me, she is an 'Angle on Earth'. I'll add more as to this later and often. She and her husband also are the force behind many of these great Georgia Foot races.
My last race was Monday, and being slow to recover at my age of 71, only did two 3 miles runs since then.
Today I felt OK. This course was acurate (unlike last week) and was 190 foot of elevation as opposed to 180 last week. It was an average race in North Georgia. North Gerogia is beautiful!
The first and last miles were hard with an easier middle mile and then a flat finish.
The race was small, and I recognized most of the mountain goats there. It was a fun day.
My splits were: 7:45, 7:48, and 8:15. That is not me dying off as usual, but more relects the course.
I did OK and am encouraged that I "will" get into the 23's in 2017.
Today my Bride took all the photos and did a good job. Remember these are are the cut down undeveloped versions and the originals are in "raw". Email me if you want one (no charge), and I will clean it up and send you a version suitable for framing. Photos are here:
Here is Belinda at 1/4 mile out and smiling (I am always near dead at that point). Ahead of her is Joe, a very talented 11 year old. Some day I hope to improve and mix it up with these two.
K got this of me later. Unlike Belinda I am not smiling. I am hoping each step will not be my last.
It looks like I might not finish above, but I knew there was beer in the Jeep. Here is my heart graph after the ordeal of running my heart beat past 170 for too long.
This guy won the over 60 division -> Mike Kelly.
This guy won the race, and his family all did great.
I suspect "race of the day" was Ena Weinstein who came in at 21:52. Age graded, that is "National Class" at 17:50. My age graded was identical and David Turner did 17:08. Computer guessing lacks as to reality, and ENA was "real", not some moral victory crap.
Here are many of the winners, but not me. I did win my age group and was 10th overall, but my Bride did not want my ugly self messing up the photo. This is the "photo of the day". These guys are the real deal.
Here I am with some "lovelies".
In my first race back, Melinda took me to school, but has had a hard time this year due to injury (happens to us all). Today she ran well. I suspect in no time she will be back in form.
Belinda ran well -> again
Complete race results are here:
Posted at 01:37 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
My clock went off at 4 A.M. waking up me and my cat. I wanted to go back to sleep, but Percy made me get up.
This race was in Suwanee, Georgia at Lambert High School. They have an impressive place there. Even more impressive was the number of folks under 20 who showed up to race. I was 64th of 193 which sounds kinda bad until you see that 42 ahead of me were teens, plus there were many more kids running strong behind me. That is incredibly good and unusual. The parents there should be commended.
But, this post is about me, they can write about them (and post it here).
My goal today, as I try to someday get under 23 again, was "not to walk". I did not, but to be honest, there were times when I could have walked faster than I was running.
This was the typical North Georgia course, and the elevation gain according to my Garmin watch was 140 feet. The last part is downhill and then on the track, so I kinda like the course. My watch measured the course as long (3.16) with me hitting 5K at 24:48. My watch GPS is very accurate.
My splits were 7:57, 8:11, and 7:58, so I did not die off like last race.
I chose this race because 'RoadKill Mike Kelly' was racing there and invited me. He got first in his 60+ age group.
As all can see, I am still to fat to wear my old race singlets. I have dropped a few pounds in the last 5 weeks, and will keep that trend going. I am positive no one as heavy as my fat ass finished ahead of me.
There was just one other racer in my "geezer" group - Wade Kirstein.
We did OK. I see that like me, he is a fisherman. I believe he is also a famous poet.
I met some new friends, Ashton and Chad Hague. Meeting guys like this make this day a special one.
All photos are here:
If you see one you like, I have the large originals in RAW, and can clean it up and email to you -> no charge. My main job is to sit on the porch, watch my Birds and drink beer. I have time to talk, so post a comment or email me.
So was it worth getting up at 4am? The cat says "NO". I live in a part of the USA (Blue Ridge Foothills) where most every view is scenic and a tourist attraction. Still, somedays you have to get up early to see things that will inspire you, and make you understand why the USA, and especially this part of it, is special. It is the people.
Results are here:
On that note, must again say that AAA RACE SERVICES is as good as it gets.
I was able to catch "Mrs. AAA" racing to her next position.
She and "Mr. AAA" make sure all have a perfect experience.
Posted at 01:45 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
My JEEP was ready.
I kinda raced today, first time I have finished a race since May.
My new friend Mike said we should go, and he was 100% right as to the fun part.
Mike is an old school foot racer who goes back even before my days. He lives across the river in Georgia. Together we are going to improve each other.
I ordered some expen$ive LED headlights for the Jeep and "WOW!! Leaving out before dark, the road was as bright as day. At 71, my vision is Ok, don't wear glasses, but these headlights are amazing. Racers (and me) need to leave home in the dark, and these are great.
Everybody does not need a JEEP or a Bride. I need neither and have both, consider them luxury items.
My time today was poor (remember this blog is about me), but on base with my current state. My body is now stronger, but my mind is weak. I walked a few times in the last mile.
I did OK. In my last two races, I did not not run hard, but a lot has happened since then.
Today I did run hard even if my time does not reflect that.
I am now healthy with no major problems. I started an 8 week program to get my miles up and loose 10 pounds. I am four weeks in. I have been running very slow and often on the treadmill.
I am on target. If I can stay motivated, results will eventually appear. I know how to train me.
To keep my "BABE STREAK" alive, got this LOVELY girl to pose with me:
The course today was about average. Here in the foothills, that means "not flat", but not up a cliff.
My Garmin said elevation gain of 104 foot. The temp was 75 and of course 100% humidity, but the fog did lift before the race. We all like cool, but don't think the heat and humidity slowed me at all. I am a "Son of the South".
My splits were 8, 8, and 9, so anyone can see my problem.
They did a good job with the race. In my bag was not just a t-shirt for the race, but also one from last year's race. I surely don't need more t-shirts, but ???
Age group awards were at 5 yr intervals, but only one in each. I think that is fair if posted, but that was not clear, so some who raced well were not recognized. It was no big deal to me as my age group was me and "FAST FREDDY" who stopped off at the local pub.
My main foot race competitor, the lovely Judy Walls was there. She again beat me with ease.
My time was: 25:38.
I was 19th of 91.
Results are here:
Photos are here:
These days I rate races on "will I go back next year". I will, especially if Mike will.
Posted at 01:03 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
The Jeep and I traveled about 45 minutes to Clarksvile, Georgia today.
Last week the course was hard as I don't do hills.
My plan for this week was to open it up a little. This course made last week look easy, but it was good fun. I did not get too involved. I walked early and often and suffered little. The last 5 miles were up hill which is unusual on a 3.13 mile course. My AHR was 158, my time was 26:09.
My watch did a poor job as it showed no elevation gain in the last mile. That is funny!
Clarksvile is a beautiful small town. It would be a perfect place for Hollywood to make a movie. If I did not already live in a place as good, might move there.
Once again the 'Babes' lined up to have their photo made with me:
My Bride is not jealous. Yep, I have a beautiful Bride, how strange is that?
Here she is with just yards to go after crushing the 'Marine Corps Marathon'.
I met Sheri and Dan today. Us septuagenarians are still getting the job done.
"People" think "people" our age are ?? We are the same but with more experience.
Here is another -> this is a serious guy to meet on a race course:
Along the route today I raced in the area of this guy:
I would walk the hills as I did not want to suffer today. Then I would catch back up.
With the finish line in sight, many of my older friends were closing fast intending to dust me - again!
I pulled even with Marvin who was jogging in and asked him to take me home. He picked the pace up for me, and I maintained my place with a free ride in.
This photo of Randall and Kevin reflect how much fun today was.
Mike told me he actually read my last post. He goes way back as foot racer, did Maggie 20 times. I only got there maybe 10 times with a best of 27:50 at 45years. The young don't race like Perry and I did "back when".
Race Results are here:
Photos are here:
I know my photos are not the best, but they are free. Post a comment here if you approve or if you don't.
It would be fun to see if even one person reads this page. I need motivation - and friends as I am a hermit.
Posted at 02:22 PM | Permalink | Comments (3)